Paolo Bocchini
Director of Graduate Programs and Professor of Structural Engineering
Derick G. Brown
Professor and Associate Dean for Undergraduate Education
P.C. Rossin Professor, Water Resources Engineering
John T. Fox
Associate Professor
Dan M. Frangopol
Fazlur R. Khan Endowed Chair of Structural Engineering and Architecture, Professor of Civil Engineering
Jennifer H. Gross
Professor of Practice; Director, M.Eng. in Structural Engineering Program
Kristen Jellison
Professor and Associate Dean for Faculty Development
Faegheh (Farrah) Moazeni
Assistant Professor
Clay J. Naito
Professor and Chair
Sibel Pamukcu
Mesut Pervizpour
Professor of Practice
Stephen P. Pessiki
Professor of Structural Engineering
Spencer Quiel
Associate Chair and Associate Professor of Structural Engineering
Maryam Rahnemoonfar
Associate Professor
Claudia Reis
Assistant Professor, Ph.D., P.E.
James M. Ricles
Bruce G. Johnston Professor of Structural Engineering; Director, Advanced Technology for Large Structural Systems (ATLSS) Center; Director, Real-Time Multi-directional Earthquake Simulation Facility; Editor-in-Chief Engineering Structures
Richard Sause
Joseph T. Stuart Professor of Structural Engineering; Director, Advanced Technology for Large Structural Systems (ATLSS) Center
Arup K. SenGupta
P.C. Rossin Professor
Gabrielle String
Assistant Professor
Professor, Geotechnical Engineering
Yi-Chen Ethan Yang
Associate Professor