A number of Rossin College faculty members were recently appointed to leadership positions in the college:

  • Professor Larry Snyder (Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering) has been appointed as director of Lehigh’s Institute for Data, Intelligent Systems, and Computation (I-DISC), having previously served as co-director. Associate professor Brian Davison (Department of Computer Science and Engineering) has been appointed as an I-DISC associate director. Lehigh's College of Arts and Sciences has also appointed professor Kate Arrington (Department of Psychology) as an I-DISC associate director. I-DISC cultivates and supports interdisciplinary research and collaboration with industrial, academic, and governmental partners in attacking some of the most pressing grand challenges in technology and society.

  • Professor of practice Sharon Kalafut (Department of Computer Science and Engineering) is the new Rossin College co-director of Lehigh’s Computer Science and Business (CSB) program. CSB is a joint initiative between Lehigh's College of Business and the Rossin College, and produces graduates equipped with a mix of high-tech and business skills that are valued highly in the marketplace. Lehigh Business has appointed professor of practice Troy Adair (Department of Decision and Technology Analytics) to serve as the CSB co-director for their college.

  • Professor of practice Vinay Mehta has recently been hired as a faculty member in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering, where he will also serve as associate chair of the department. Mehta joins Lehigh after 14 years of leading industry-based research and development in innovative materials and polymer technologies. Mehta succeeds Sabrina Jedlicka in this role, who joined the Dean’s Office over the summer as associate dean for academic affairs.








From left: Larry Snyder, Brian Davison, Sharon Kalafut, and Vinay Mehta