Convergence by Design
Welcome to the Spring 2019 issue of Resolve—a magazine dedicated to research and educational innovation in the P.C. Rossin College of Engineering and Applied Science at Lehigh University.
Academia is on the cusp of change in how we shape research and educational programs, and these efforts place Lehigh in the vanguard of institutions leading the way; in many respects, it’s all about convergence. The National Science Foundation (NSF) defines convergence research as “research driven by a specific and compelling problem” that involves “deep integration across disciplines.” At Lehigh, we live convergence, from our integrated undergraduate programs to our Interdisciplinary Research Institutes and everywhere in between.
This issue of Resolve highlights key initiatives that embody the concept. To solve complex research problems, we are focusing on societal needs and integrating knowledge, methods, and expertise from a breadth of disciplines to catalyze scientific discovery and technological innovation. Our students experience these challenges head on through their immersion in the resulting impact-driven ecosystem.
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Don't call it a comeback
Associate Professor Sabrina Jedlicka takes the lead on an ambitious effort to grow Lehigh’s renowned Integrated Product Development program (IPD) into a campuswide, interdisciplinary capstone design program.
Shaping Biomedicine
The discovery of the scutoid could advance understanding of cell topology and the field of regenerative medicine.
Girding the Grid
The more connected things are, the more vulnerable they become. This truism of cybersecurity has profound implications for the Internet of Things that’s just around the corner—and for the energy grid that will power it.
Letter from the Dean
Research Briefs
Rising Star
Resolve® magazine is devoted to Lehigh engineering research and educational innovation, highlighting exciting partnerships, projects and academic programs at our University.
Resolve® is published semiannually by the P.C. Rossin College of Engineering and Applied Science and the Office of University Communications and Public Affairs at Lehigh University.
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