AI opens a path to a better understanding of changes in the brain

Brain networks are often represented by graph models that incorporate neuroimaging data from MRI or CT scans to represent functional or structural connections within the brain. These brain graphs can be used to understand how the organ changes over time. 

Traditionally, however, these models treat the brain graphs as static, which can miss or ignore underlying changes that could signal the onset of disease or neurological disorders. 

A cool (temperature) take on direct air carbon capture

Lehigh University engineering researchers working with a Pennsylvania-based technology company have recently entered the second phase in the development of a novel ion-exchange method to capture carbon dioxide that could potentially run on waste heat produced by industry.

‘Cutting the cord’ to advance ocean data collection

The ocean is often considered the final frontier. In the past two decades, observatory sensor systems have been deployed off coastlines to collect and transmit a vast range of physical, chemical, geological, and biological data. But these technologies are currently powered by subsea cables, which limits the distance they can operate from shore and, therefore, our knowledge of scientifically interesting areas.
