Photos: Lehigh BioE @ BMES

Lehigh BioE had a great showing at the annual Biomedical Society Meeting (BMES), October 6-9, 2021, in Orlando, FL. Undergraduate and graduate students and faculty were among those presenting their innovative work to improve human health.

Photos: Fun times in BioE

It’s not all work without some fun in BioE! The Lehigh BioE student, faculty, and staff communities love to kick back and celebrate! Check out photos from some of our recent gatherings.

End of semester graduate student bowling party

What is grad school really like? Talk with someone who knows

You can spend hours researching graduate programs, but often the best way to guide your decision is to make a personal connection. Getting in touch with a Rossin College grad student or faculty member who is eager to share their experiences is just a click away.
