Apply now: Creative Inquiry's Sustainable Happiness Institute

Students will practice design thinking and systems thinking—while exploring purpose and happiness—through a series of interdisciplinary team-based projects in new, three-week program in January

Creative Inquiry at Lehigh is launching a new program open to all students called the Sustainable Happiness Institute (SHI). The SHI is a three-week “hands-on, hearts-on” adventure that challenges students to imagine, conceptualize, and pursue practical actions toward alternative happy futures.

In memoriam: Peter Y. Bryan

Peter Y. Bryan, 56, manager of computer and information technology at Lehigh’s Advanced Technology for Large Structural Systems (ATLSS) Engineering Research Center, passed away November 10. 
Peter was a civil engineering alum (Class of 1988) and had a fruitful 32-year career at the university, working closely with ATLSS director Richard Sause and many other faculty members and staff. Peter was also beloved by students, past and present. 
