A rare fellow: Eric Krueger, Lehigh's first NIH National Research Service Award recipient

When Eric Krueger applied for an individual postdoctoral fellowship from the National Institutes of Health in 2017, the success rate was about 28 percent. And when he got the award—which ends on September 15—he became Lehigh University’s first NIH National Research Service Award Fellow.

“It’s really been fantastic,” says Krueger, a postdoctoral fellow in chemical and biomolecular engineering. “It has allowed me to customize what I want to do, and what I want to learn.”

Lehigh ranked among nation’s finest research universities

Lehigh has again been recognized by U.S. News & World Report as one of the nation’s outstanding research universities.

In its just-released 2020 “Guide to America’s Best Colleges,” the news magazine ranks Lehigh 50th among 399 institutions across the United States that offer undergraduate, master’s and doctoral degrees.

Girls explore STEM fields at CHOICES summer camp

Their water tower collapsed pretty much right away and it took a few tries to get their Rube Goldberg project to accomplish its task, but none of that mattered to Team Pink. 

The five CHOICES campers were having a blast.

“All the girls here are so fun,” said Karishma Beraj, 14, one of the members of Team Pink. “We learned to work together as a team from day one, and we didn’t even need time to get used to each other. It was like we already knew each other.”

End of an era

It says a lot about a place when its employees stick around for decades. So much has to align—the challenge, the camaraderie, the purpose. All of the recently—or soon-to-be—retired members of the Rossin College team found joy and meaning in their long tenures here, primarily because of the connections they made with colleagues and students. They have all made their mark in many different ways, both big and subtle. And they will all be missed.

Building smarter machines

Robots are everywhere. In fact, every time you brake your car, a robot is interpreting that pressure signal from your foot while simultaneously assessing the conditions of the road. Based on those two inputs, the robot decides if the wheels will stop turning immediately, or if the antilock system needs to kick on so you don’t skid out on a slippery street.

Summer Engineering Institute receives PPL Foundation grant

Lehigh’s Summer Engineering Institute (SEI) has been awarded a $5,000 grant from the PPL Foundation. The funds will be used to expose high school juniors and seniors from underrepresented groups to STEM through hands-on collaborative projects, dynamic classroom discussion, and field trips to regional science and tech/businesses and research centers. The program, which is hosted by the P.C.

Inspiring the next generation of engineers

Campus life may be quieter in the summer, but there’s still plenty of enthusiasm for learning at the Rossin College. 

In July, more than 250 middle and high school students participated in programs designed to stimulate interest in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) disciplines. These experiences include hands-on, lab-centric challenges, facility tours that showcase real-world applications, and mentorship from Lehigh faculty members and current students.  

Summer Engineering Institute

Key players to tackle topic of ‘value’ in healthcare

The concept of “value” is pretty straightforward if you’re talking about, say, a used car.

But in a healthcare context, it’s a buzzword that means a lot of things to a lot of different people.

Patients might define value in terms of out-of-pocket costs. Doctors may view it in terms of reimbursement rates and treatment success. Insurers often take metrics like member satisfaction and long-term outcomes into account. And employers want to see workers present and productive as a result of their investment in benefits.
