Postdocs at Lehigh ISE, a tradition of excellence

At Lehigh ISE, a vibrant community of talented postdoctoral researchers, commonly referred to as postdocs, has been expanding our research capacity, adding dynamism and diversity to our academic environment. Many PhD graduates opt for a postdoc position before starting their independent careers to develop more research and gain experience. They are typically advised by local faculty members and become important members of their research groups, accelerating PhD theses and writing research grant proposals.


The semester is quickly winding down, and finals week is upon us. The stress of being away from home, studying late into the night, and wanting to get the best grade possible can be anxiety inducing for many students. Mental health affects how one thinks, feels, and acts. It also helps determine how one handles stress, relates to others, and makes healthy choices. It is an integral piece of everyday life, no matter what stage. A small interaction with some canine comfort can have a large impact on someone's day – and their mental health.

A trifecta of cover-worthy research

Chemical and biomolecular engineering research has been front-page news several times this fall, with covers of recent issues of ACS Catalysis, Chemistry of Materials, and Soft Matter highlighting work by Lehigh ChBE teams.

ChBE hosts 9th annual student research symposium

Lehigh’s Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering Department (ChBE) held their 9th Annual Student Research Symposium with 40 graduate students showcasing their research within the topics of functional materials and nanotechnology; energy and the environment; biomolecular science and therapeutic; colloids, emulsions, and interfacial science; computations, systems, and machine learnings.

Fall 2023 ChBE Seminar: Sanmi Adeodu

Date: Wednesday, November 15, 2023
Time: 9:30-10:30AM
Location: Health Science Technology Building (HST), Forum Room 101
This event features postdoc Sanmi Adeodu who will talk about "Modeling the Short-Term Effect of Atrial Fibrillation on Hemodynamic Variables", as part of the Lehigh University Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering's Fall 2023 Colloquium Seminar Series.


Helping robots assess risk

New ONR-funded project led by MEM professor Nader Motee tackles the problem of ambiguity in robot perception
