TRIPODS+X meets Machine Learning+X

Lehigh University to host collaborative, interdisciplinary workshops in computationally-intensive academic research

Lehigh University has racked up another win with the innovative TRIPODS+X program of the National Science Foundation (NSF.)

John Wilson retires from Lehigh CEE

The structural engineering professor remembers his 36 years of teaching, research, and service on South Mountain.

"Am I a traditional structural engineer? Not quite. Am I proud of that? Yes," says John Wilson, professor emeritus of structural engineering.

Space: tribology’s final frontier

NSF CAREER Award supports Lehigh University partnership with Sandia National Labs to explore the science of friction

Around the turn of the decade, NASA’s Kepler Space Observatory lived like a rock star.

Engineering with an entrepreneurial mindset

Have you ever wanted to install an overhead light fixture but not deal with the headache required to make it a reality?

Re-wiring in any building is taxing process. Ripping apart drywall and placing the desired wiring and putting it all back up is annoying for even the most experienced contractors. Matthew Bilsky, current adjunct professor and recent doctoral recipient in the department of mechanical engineering and mechanics, discovered a solution through an innovative way of thinking.

Energy's future: Nuclear fusion?

Serious discussions of the long-term future of energy use, says Arindam Banerjee, are turning more and more to nuclear fusion, a potential power source that not long ago was considered a distant dream.

Fusion is the process by which the sun generates heat and light. It occurs when two isotopes of hydrogen—deuterium and tritium—collide at great speeds under extreme heat and pressure and fuse to form helium, losing a small amount of mass and releasing huge quantities of energy.
