Interdisciplinary approach shines at BDSI

Last summer, Lehigh University students, professors and postdoctoral researchers from across academic disciplines spent ten weeks examining inconsistencies of a technique that might one day assist medical professionals in evaluating patients’ levels of cancer risk.

Engineering faculty receive Founder’s Day honors

In a ceremony and rally on Friday, October 27, Lehigh University celebrated Founder’s Day to honor its founder, Asa Packer, and to recognize the leadership of faculty, staff, students, trustees, alumni, and friends.

Cao and Columbia U. colleagues win best paper award at ACM SOSP

How do you find errors in a system that exists in a black box whose contents are a mystery even to experts?

That is one of the challenges of perfecting self-driving cars and other deep learning systems that are based on artificial neural networks—known as deep neural networks—modeled after the human brain. Inside these systems, a web of neurons enables a machine to process data with a nonlinear approach and, essentially, to teach itself to analyze information through what is known as training data.

Liu named ASME fellow

Yaling Liu, who has spent much of his career applying the principles of fluid mechanics and nano-engineering to biology and medicine, has been named a fellow of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, one of the top honors in his field. ASME, a professional society founded in 1880, has more than 130,000 members in 151 countries.

“Unparalleled access” in surface science

Interdisciplinary Lehigh research team wins NSF support for next-generation surface analysis

A Lehigh University research team led by Dr. Israel E. Wachs, the G. Whitney Snyder Professor of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering at Lehigh University, has been awarded a highly-competitive grant from the National Science Foundation to support research in nanotech science and engineering.
