Taking the gamble out of Ebola outbreaks

Lehigh research pair awarded NIH grant to assess spread of disease
Roll a typical 6-sided die and the chance that it will land on any given side is one in six. With a pair of dice, the probability of rolling an ordered pair is one in 36.
When it comes to predicting Ebola outbreaks, we are not so lucky.

Industrial and Systems Engineering welcomes Luis Nunes Vicente as new chair

Luis Nunes Vicente has been named the Timothy J. Wilmott '80 Endowed Faculty Professor and Chair of Lehigh University's Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering (ISE), effective August 1, 2018.
L. N. Vicente has been a professor of Mathematics at the University of Coimbra in Portugal since 1996. His research interests include continuous optimization, computational science and engineering, machine learning and data science.
