Rooting out Ebola’s biomechanical enabler

Lehigh University wins NIH grant to unlock mystery of the virus’ interaction with host cells

In some ways, the Ebola virus operates like a vampire; only after it is politely invited in to a host cell does it take up the task of destroying everything in its path.

The virus uses the everyday function of endocytosis—the taking in of matter by a living cell—to gain entry, first attaching to the outer wall before a vesicle forms to draw it into the cell.

The building of innovation

Researchers needed tech that didn’t exist; with NSF support, they are bringing it to life in Lehigh University’s Center for Photonics and Nanoelectronics

Emeritus professor authors books on numerical algorithms

William E. Schiesser, emeritus professor at Lehigh University, recently authored several books on computer-based solutions to model real-life phenomena, such as the development of Parkinson’s disease.

Schiesser is the Emeritus McCann Professor in the chemical and biomolecular engineering department as well as a former professor in the mathematics department.

His recent books include the following four titles:

Mending materials

Kelly Schultz receives NSF CAREER award to study stem cell-mediated engineering of their microenvironments

Few creatures, aside from humans, have the ability to reshape the world in which they live.

The humble earthworm is one such example. As a "terrestrial engineer," it tunnels through and aerates the soil, incorporating organic matter along the way and benefiting nearby plants.

A summer of machine learning

NSF-funded grant to provide students with experience in scalable computer systems and algorithms

Your rideshare app says your driver will show up in 10 minutes. No, make that 20 minutes. There's a detour along her route and traffic is backing up.

While you wait, you upload some photos to Facebook, and the service recognizes your friends and suggests names for you to tag.

Still waiting, you surf over to Amazon and buy that slow cooker that's been sitting in your cart. How about a recipe book and some storage containers with that?

Finding patterns at the nanoscale

Research paper is the first to come out of Lehigh’s Nano/Human Interface Presidential Engineering Research Initiative
In materials research, the ability to analyze massive amounts of data—often generated at the nanoscale—in order to compare materials’ properties is key to discovery and to achieving industrial use. Jeffrey M. Rickman, professor of materials science and engineering and also of physics, likens this process to candy manufacturing.
