Ana Alexandrescu
Professor of Practice and Co-Director, Integrated Business and Engineering Honors Program and Director, ISE Outreach Program and Affiliate Faculty, College of Health
Professor of Practice and Member, Integrated Business and Engineering
Professor and PhD Program Director
Aida Khajavirad
Assistant Professor
Charalambos Marangos
Associate Teaching Professor
Akwum Onwunta
Assistant Professor
Derya Pamukcu
Teaching Full Professor and Associate Chair and UG Director
Associate Professor
Ted Ralphs
Daniel P. Robinson
Associate Professor and MS Program Director
Karmel Shehadeh
Assistant Professor
Larry Snyder headshot
Harvey E. Wagner Endowed Chair Professor and Director, Institute for Data, Intelligent Systems, and Computation
Professor and Co-Director, Integrated Business and Engineering Program
Tamás Terlaky
Alcoa Foundation Endowed Chair Professor
Associate Professor
Timothy J. Wilmott Endowed Chair Professor and Department Chair
Xiu Yang
Associate Professor
Emory W. Zimmers
Professor and Director, Enterprise Systems Center
Associate Professor and Co-Director, Financial Engineering Program