DOE funds UNCC-Lehigh power plant dry cooling tech research

In partnership with the University of North Carolina at Charlotte, researchers and faculty from Lehigh University’s Energy Research Center (ERC) and the Advanced Technology for Large Structural Systems (ATLSS) Engineering Research Center were recently awarded $1.5 million in funding from the Department of Energy’s National Energy Technology Laboratory. 

ESE Strategic Advisory Committee adds two members

The Energy Systems Engineering (ESE) Strategic Advisory Committee is pleased to announce the addition of two new members, Lauren Strella Wahba and Cheryl Cossel. In this role, these accomplished ESE graduates will mentor students and provide valuable guidance to the ESE program. 

Professor Mayuresh Kothare wins the 2020 Distinguished Alumnus Award from the Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay

Professor Mayuresh V. Kothare, Department Chairman and the R. L. McCann Professor has won the 2020 Distinguished Alumnus Award from the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Bombay. Professor Kothare was one among seven alumni who were recognized in 2020. IIT Bombay confers the Distinguished Alumnus Awards (DAA) every year to those who have reached positions of eminence in the areas of Business, Academics, Research, Government, Public Service and Entrepreneurship. These individuals would have "distinguished themselves in their fields of work and done the Institute proud".


Keith W. Moored: A fin-tastic model

Someday, underwater robots may so closely mimic creatures like fish that they’ll fool not only the real animals themselves but humans as well. That ability could yield information ranging from the health of fish stocks to the location of foreign watercraft.

Such robots would need to be fast, efficient, highly maneuverable, and acoustically stealthy. In other words, they would have to be very much like bottlenose dolphins or killer whales.

Hannah Dailey: An inside look at bone healing

Broken bones have a unique capacity to heal. The new bone that forms along the fracture line, called callus, starts out as a soft tissue and, over time, it hardens into bone that is just as strong—or stronger—than before the break.

But in some cases, the healing process goes awry. This failure to heal is called a nonunion, a painful and often debilitating condition that requires further medical intervention.
