The P.C. Rossin College of Engineering and Applied Science is pleased to announce the following new members joining our distinguished faculty:
Fadi Abdeljawad, associate professor, Department of Materials Science and Engineering
Aditya Aiyer, assistant professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics
Glenn Balbus, assistant professor, Department of Materials Science and Engineering
Thomas Gartner, assistant professor, Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
Jannatun Naher, teaching assistant professor, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Vinod Namboodiri, professor, Department of Community and Population Health, College of Health, and Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Rossin College
Claudia Reis, assistant professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (1/2/2024)
Dhruv Seshadri, assistant professor, Department of Bioengineering
Elroy Sturdivant, professor of practice, Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Jialiang Tan, teaching assistant professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Jennifer Winikus, teaching associate professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering